Everyone is welcome to the Keynote Lectures Helmholtz Health Summer School Dr. Anika Steffen, HZI, Braunschweig Title “Imaging subcellular to multi-cellular ...
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Judith A.J. Steen, PhD, Harvard University , The Neurobiology Department of Children's Hospital “Unraveling the mysteries of Toxic Tangles: Misfolded ...
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Everyone is welcome to the Keynote Lectures Helmholtz Health Summer School Prof. Dr. Péter Horváth, University of Szeged and Helmholtz Center Munich, Title: ...
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Everyone is welcome to the Keynote Lectures Helmholtz Health Summer School Prof. Elena Marcello, PhD, Affiliation: Associate Professor of Pharmacology ...
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Everyone is welcome to the Keynote Lectures Helmholtz Health Summer School Dr. Alexander Jarasch, neo4j, Munich Title "From Data to Discovery: Using ...
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Martin Korte, Prof. Dr. Director of the Zoological Institute & Professor for Cellular Neurobiology at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Head of ...
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Prof. Dr. med. Katrin Amunts, Director, Institute for Neuroscience and Medicine, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Director, Cécile und Oskar Vogt Institute for ...
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Den wissenschaftlichen Vortrag zum Thema „Wie Tau Proteine in Alzheimer und verwandten Krankheiten zelltoxisch werden“ wird Dr. Susanne Wegmann halten. Sie ist ...
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The e:Med online seminar series Modeling approaches for disease processes restarts into the next round. Jana Wolf - Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine ...
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Speaker: Jana Wolf of Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine and Freie Universität Berlin Title: Modeling Signal Transduction and Gene Expression in ...
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