Great science starts with unexpected encounters! But do we really want to wait for that? We would like to facilitate the exchange of early career scientists ...
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Seminars and Talks
Dr. Dan Rokni Department of Medical Neurobiology, IMRIC, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University Title: 'Functional olfaction with degenerated olfactory ...
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Seminars and Talks
Speaker: Prof. Amir Heiman Title: "The Unintended Negative Effect of Pharmaceutical Treatment on the Likelihood to Adopt Healthy Lifestyle"
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Seminars and Talks
BIGS Neuroscience and NeurotechEU Dominik Bach, Prof. Dr. Hertz Chair for Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, University of Bonn 'Algorithms for ...
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Seminar Physiology II Prof. Dr. Gaspar Jekely, Evolutionary Neurobiology, Heidelberg University, Centre for Organismal Studies Title: On chemical and ...
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Seminars and Talks
„Empowering Your Academic Career: An Introduction to Diversity and Inclusion“ by Dr. Christian D. Magnus The talk will be focusing on the following topics: • ...
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Seminars and Talks
Speaker: Prof. Elena Marcello, PhD Affiliation: Associate Professor of Pharmacology Università degli Studi di Milano Synaptic shapers in neurodegenerative ...
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Seminars and Talks
Kathleen Burns, Rebecca Berrens, Paolo Salomoni and Rayk Behrendt A retrotransposon in cancer: The maker and the mutator
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Seminars and Talks