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For Women in Science Germany Award
For Women in Science Germany promotes four female early-career scientists working in Germany each year - with an award worth 25,000 Euros. In Germany, the ...
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BFB Events
Seminars and Talks
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Forschung in die Schule
Rent a Scientist Lehrerfortbildung
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Uni Bonn (official)
GBM Understanding membrane dynamics in autophagy
The GBM Lunch is aimed at a wide audience, both in terms of professional scope and the level of expertise of the participants. Following the lecture there will ...
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BFB Events
Seminars and Talks
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GBMLunch Biosynthetic 'dark matter' in neglected microbes
The GBM Lunch is aimed at a wide audience, both in terms of professional scope and the level of expertise of the participants. Following the lecture there will ...
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BFB Events
Seminars and Talks
GBMlunch Human presynaptic function in health and disease
The GBM Lunch is aimed at a wide audience, both in terms of professional scope and the level of expertise of the participants. Following the lecture there will ...
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BFB Events
Seminars and Talks