Confirmed speakers: Prof. Adrian Liston, Prof. Jose C. Alves-Filho Host: Janine Becker-Gotot, Zeinab Abdullah, Marc Beyer If you have any questions or would ...
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Was ist zu tun? Grundlagen, Mechanismen und Auswirkungen von Entscheidungen“ Eine Tagung des Centre for Mind Research (CMR), Universität Bonn Organisation: ...
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Talks Seminar Life Sciences
13:00 Bioengineering approaches to studying the migratory behavior of immune and cancer cells Eva Kiermaier, LIMES-Institute (Method Development Grant) 13:30 ...
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This workshop will bring together researchers from across the Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) who produce and deal with large and complex data sets and ...
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Prof. Kotaro Fujii, PhD (Assistant Professor, Center for Neurogenetics, University of Florida, FL, USA) Controlling the fidelity of protein synthesis and its ...
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Prof. Dr. Martin Müller, Department of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zürich Title: 'The TBC protein Recoveryless recovers synapses from depression'
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Speaker: Prof. Amir Heiman Title: "The Unintended Negative Effect of Pharmaceutical Treatment on the Likelihood to Adopt Healthy Lifestyle"
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Join us for another ThemeNight, jointly organized by the Bonner Forum Biomedizin, the Bonn Technology Campus and the Postdoc-Orga team from the ImmunoSensation ...
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Seminars and Talks
Join us for another ThemeNight, jointly organized by the Bonner Forum Biomedizin, the Bonn Technology Campus and the Postdoc-Orga team from the ImmunoSensation ...
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Seminars and Talks