Dr. Sebastian Jarzebski gibt während des Job Talks Einblicke in seine Tätigkeit als Kommunikationsberater und Vorstand der Kommunikationsagentur neues handeln. ...
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Dr. Mirjam Lange, management consultant at McKinsey & Company, will give insights about her work and entry prospects for new applicants. This event will be ...
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Der Karrieretag ist ein Angebot des Career Service der Universität Bonn. Jeweils im Wintersemester laden wir Anfang Dezemberb im Rahmen des Dies Academicus ...
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Amanda Kiemes, King’s College London, UK “Understanding the GABAergic mechanisms of early psychosis: A crossspecies approach”
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PD Dr. Bianca Schulte, Institute for Virology, University Hospital Bonn (host RG Scherer) TBA Meeting ID: 920 9054 8180 Passcode: 201577
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Prof. Filip Meysman, Department of Biology, University of Antwerpen, BE (host RG Dahl) Microbes building their own electrical machinery: How cable bacteria ...
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Dr. Julia Kurth, Microcosm Earth Center, MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg Expanding the spectrum of methylated substrates for bacterial and ...
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Prof. Dr. Thorsten Friedrich, Institute for Biochemistry, University of Freiburg (host RG Dahl) Structure and mechanism of respiratory complex I (host RG ...
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