The Institute of Reconstructive Neurobiology would like to draw your attention to the following lecture. Ilyas Singec, MD Chief Scientific Officer, FujiFilm ...
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During this event, you will learn about Twist’scutting-edge technology, from Genes, OligoPools, and Variant Libraries, to Next GenerationSequencing ...
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Join us on September 22-23 ONLINE for talks from experts on various aspects of NGS technology (open to everyone,
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The next seminar of the Bonn Organoid Club: Nicole Teusch (Universität Düsseldorf): "Tumor microenvironment on-chip model for precision drug discovery in ...
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Fünftes Otto-Löwenstein-Symposium am 16.11.2024 von 09:00 - 15:45 Uhr Heinz-Penin-Preis für Epilepsieforschung Professor Dr. Surges: Neue Möglichkeiten der ...
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Prof. Dr. Markéta Matínková, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University Prague, Prague, Czech Republic Heme sensor proteins ...
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Dr. Hannes Shihada, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany Dissecting GPCR and G protein functions in living cells ...
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Prof. Dr. Nina Schützenmeister, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Vienna Vienna, Austria Total Synthesis of (Marine) Natural Products and ...
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Prof. Dr. Janko Kos Department of Biotechnology University of Ljubljana Ljubljana, Slovenia Cysteine peptidase inhibitors as regulators of anti-tumor immune ...
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