Funding research workshops travel
Join us for our next Job Talk with Patrycja Kielb, Argelander Tenure-Track Professor for BioSpectroElectrochemistry Katharina Scherer, Institut für ...
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Seminars and Talks
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BFB JobTalks Career Counseling: Let's talk about jobs. Introducing jobs in and outside academia. Miriam Engels Associate Director, Head of Talent Acquisition ...
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BFB Events
Seminars and Talks
Join us for our next Job Talk on Science Management After the talks we will have pizza and drinks for more discussions. Please register for better planning
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BFB Events
Seminars and Talks
Looking for Materials and Methods
Join us for a mixed volleyball tournament on September 06. We start at 3 pm at the sports facility Nachtigallenweg 86, 53127 Bonn. We will play in teams with ...
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BFB Events