Prof. Dr. Thomas Brüser, Institute of Microbiology, University of Hannover (host RG Dahl) Unusual mechanisms for the transport of folded proteins across ...
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Learn how to use the FlowJo™ workspace, including how to load samples (experimental data), statistics, and gates, create groups and analyses, and generate ...
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"Meet, Discuss, SnackX" , Revvitys chemagen MDX- und NGS-Event. Freuen Sie sich auf einen Vormittag mit spannenden Vorträgen rund um die automatisierte ...
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Who? Prof. Sonia Garel, IBENS-ENS Collège de France Title: “Microglia in early brain development: a window of ...
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Prof. Susana Godinho, Research Group Leader, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London “Microtubules as mediators of stress and repair " Joined ...
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Prof. Maya Köhn, Institute of cell biology University of Bonn “ Protein Phosphatases in Health and Disease: Function, Selectivity, and Chemical Modulation "
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Brian Earp, University of Oxford Digital Doppelgangers in Healthcare: From Substituted Judgment to “Life” Extension This lunch series is organized by the ...
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Ariel Dora Stern The Regulation of Medical AI: Policy Approaches, Data, and Innovation Incentives Each month we invite international experts from a variety ...
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Macrophage Niche Network Dynamics Nicolas Venteclef, PhD, Group Leader , Immunity and Metabolism of Diabetes Institut Necker Enfants Malades, Paris Title: ...
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