BFB Founding Benefits Networking
In order to foster the interdisciplinary co operation between medicine and natural sciences the Bonner Forum Biomedizin was founded in 1996. We have amazing offers for students of the life science community of Bonn.
In order to foster the interdisciplinary co operation between medicine and natural sciences the Bonner Forum Biomedizin was founded in 1996.
When the BFB was founded in 1996 there was relatively little cooperation between the clinical and natural science groups. The tremendous complexity of research fields required strong interdisciplinary exchange. The BFB offered a suitable platform to achieve this goal.
In the mid- 90ies the founding members developed a plan to launch a forum that allowed for interdisciplinary discussions . The officials of the university as well as of the minister of science of North Rhine-Westphalia were very much in favor of this plan. Together with the University Hospital of Bonn they allocated funds to start the Bonner Forum Biomedizin.

BFB The place to be!
The BFB is an organization that serves as a communicative platform for research groups from the Medical and Natural Science Faculty in Bonn. Since 1996, the BFB became a large scientific society with around 50 research groups that take part in a constant exchange of knowledge. Importantly, the BFB is open to all members of the participating groups as well as for all students of Life Sciences in Bonn. Therefore, Bachelor and Master students as well as PhD students and Post Docs are warmly welcomed to take part in the public events regularly organized by the BFB.

Aims - networking!
The BFB strongly aims at supporting young scientists and help them building a network early on in their career. Networking easily starts face-to-face and, therefore, the BFB organizes meetings and events with a variety of topics. Tech Meetings, Job Talks, and varying workshops take place on a regular basis and the annual BFB conference represents the highlight of the year. Here, all participating research groups come together for two days to present exciting data, new techniques, and the essence of another year of scientific research during lectures, short talks, and poster sessions. Outstanding short talks and posters are rewarded with prizes and the BFB also every year honors the best PhD thesis of a committed member. Therefore, the BFB helps to develop key competences and aims at broadening the research horizons to counteract overspecialization.

Daily benefits
You're looking for a certain antibody but want to test it before buying it?
You have a new experiment in mind that requires certain chemicals?
Or you'd like to try your assay again with a different cell line?
Just send an e-mail to the BFB and thereby ask hundreds of associated daily lab workers for their help and advice. The BFB commands e-mail contact to professors, technicians, and students who are willing to share their machines, reagents, and protocols. Many collaborations were initiated that way and the feedback is overwhelmingly positive.
How can I get in touch?
Being part of the BFB is just one mouse click away! Simply send an e-mail to and you will be informed about current talks and receive invitations for monthly events.
Ideas are the seed of progress – be part of it!