BFB Grants
The BFB offers grants and support for students and Postdocs within the first two years after graduation. Each group within the BFB can apply for one grant per year for each line of funding.
Students can apply for travel grants in order to attend national or international meetings. The BFB will reimburse travel expenses with up to 500€. Students need to be recommended by their PI and are required to present their work (as a talk or as a poster) at the meeting. The BFB grant must be acknowledged in the presentation.
Applications (abstract, letter of recommendation, estimate of the costs) must be submitted no later than one month before the conference to
The steering committee will award one or two travel grants per month according to financial resources. Each BFB group can apply for one grant per year. The PI must be an official member of the BFB.
Internal double funding (f.e. a combination with an ImmunoCluster stipend) is excluded. A parallel application is possible. Support by other internal grants have to be indicated. A combination with external grants will be approved.
Fill out the application form here.
Support to attend summer schools or scientific exchange
PhD students and postdocs two years after graduation can apply for a grant up to 500€. Applications (abstract, letter of recommendation, estimate of the costs) can be submitted to: Applications can be handed in twice a year May 1st and October 1st. Each BFB group can apply for one grant per year.
Fill out the application form here.
The BFB supports participation in workshops to learn methods (e.g. Cold Spring Harbour Workhops, EMBL courses).
The offer is aiming at PhD students or Postdocs within two years after graduation. Applications can be handed in four times a year (01.03./ 01.06./01.09 und 01.12.)
Find the applicatio form here
To support the higher demand of online training, the BFB supports online courses (e.g. bioinformatics or FELASA courses in English) which are not offered at the Bonn University. The offer is aiming at PhD students or Postdocs within two years after graduation. Applications can be handed in twice a year (January 1st and July 1st).
Application form for online workshops here
The BFB supports membership in Scientific Societies for PhD students for three years and Postdocs for two years. More here
We want to support student initiatives outside the thesis work. All informations here

TRA Life and Health
The Life and Health TRA is a network of scientists active in a wide range of fields and faculties at the University of Bonn who collaborate on research issues of scientific, technological and societal importance to our future.

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