Natural visual processing entails a complex interplay between sensory input, behavioral context, and on-going brain dynamics. Our lab seeks to understand how ...
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Join us for our next Job Talk with Patrycja Kielb, Argelander Tenure-Track Professor for BioSpectroElectrochemistry Katharina Scherer, Institut für ...
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Prof. Philippe Kahane, Neurology Deparment, CHU Grenoble Alpes, University Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble Institute Neuroscience, Grenoble, France How to delineate ...
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“Towards cortex-wide volumetric recording of neuroactivity at cellular resolution” Alipasha Vaziri, Rockefeller University, New York In-Person
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„Hartwig-Piepenbrock-DZNE-Preises“ an Frau Prof. Alison Goate, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (New York City, USA). Der mit 60.000 Euro dotierte ...
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"Meet, Discuss, SnackX" , Revvitys chemagen MDX- und NGS-Event. Freuen Sie sich auf einen Vormittag mit spannenden Vorträgen rund um die automatisierte ...
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