BFB JobTalks Career Counseling: Let's talk about jobs. Introducing jobs in and outside academia. Miriam Engels Associate Director, Head of Talent Acquisition ...
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BFB Events
Seminars and Talks
Kai Trepka, Dr. Natalie Meléndez-Vázques, Brandi Miller and Dr. Christopher Price The Gut Microbiome in cancer Development & Therapies
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BFB Events
Seminars and Talks
We invite everyone interested in RNA to attend our exciting in-person talk series by local presenters. Since this year, the Rhineland RNA Club officially ...
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BFB Events
Seminars and Talks
Join us for a mixed volleyball tournament on September 06. We start at 3 pm at the sports facility Nachtigallenweg 86, 53127 Bonn. We will play in teams with ...
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The aim of this course is to familiarize you with the strategies for writing successful grant or fellowship applications to various funding bodies. It consists ...
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Seminars and Talks
Get an overview what careers are out there for you as a doctorate holder and where to look for career options outside of classic academia. You will be ...
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BFB Events
Seminars and Talks
Olena Zhulyn, PhD, Scientist, Developmental & Stem Cell Biology, The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids Research Institute) Assistant Professor, Department ...
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Seminars and Talks
Seminar Physiology II Prof. Dr. Gaspar Jekely, Evolutionary Neurobiology, Heidelberg University, Centre for Organismal Studies Title: On chemical and ...
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Seminars and Talks