Speaker: Prof. Dr. Barbara Webb Institute for Perception, Action and Behaviour, University of Edinburgh Title: 'The neural basis of the honey bee dance ...
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Prof. Dr. Simon Rumpel Systemic Neurophysiology Group, Institute for Physiology, University of Mainz Title: 'Dynamics of the auditory cortex and the perception ...
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Who? Prof. Sonia Garel, IBENS-ENS Collège de France Title: “Microglia in early brain development: a window of ...
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Was ist zu tun? Grundlagen, Mechanismen und Auswirkungen von Entscheidungen“ Eine Tagung des Centre for Mind Research (CMR), Universität Bonn Organisation: ...
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Brian Earp, University of Oxford Digital Doppelgangers in Healthcare: From Substituted Judgment to “Life” Extension This lunch series is organized by the ...
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Join us for our next Job Talk with Patrycja Kielb, Argelander Tenure-Track Professor for BioSpectroElectrochemistry Katharina Scherer, Institut für ...
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The Institute of Reconstructive Neurobiology would like to draw your attention to the following lecture. Ilyas Singec, MD Chief Scientific Officer, FujiFilm ...
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Dr. Kevin Curry Columbia University, NY, USA Title: 'Flexible neural control of transition points within the egg-laying behavioral sequence in Drosophila'
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Prof. Dr. Martin Müller, Department of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zürich Title: 'The TBC protein Recoveryless recovers synapses from depression'
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