Dr. Jessica Ausborn Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy at Drexel University College of Medicine Title: 'Unraveling the Complexity of Brainstem-Spinal ...
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The conference will gather international experts to discuss the state-of-the-art in - Systems Biology - Integrative Pathway Modelling - Mathematical Image ...
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Martin Reuter, PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) Director Medical Image Analysis DZNE, Bonn, Germany AI in Neuroimaging online MIB Expert Talk
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This workshop will bring together researchers from across the Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) who produce and deal with large and complex data sets and ...
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Der Karrieretag ist ein Angebot des Career Service der Universität Bonn. Jeweils im Wintersemester laden wir Anfang Dezemberb im Rahmen des Dies Academicus ...
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Dr. Katharina Sonnen Hubrecht Institute Utrecht, Netherlands Title: „Signaling dynamics in the control of embryonic development and tissue homeostasis” PhD ...
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